What Are The Different Classes Of Quartz Countertops?
Quartz is a wonderful option for countertops. However, if you didn’t know this already, there are a lot of classes or grades of quartz. So, here are all three grades of quartz kitchen tops and their characteristics, namely durability, usage, and price.
Grades Of Quartz Countertops
First Choice Quartz
First choice quartz is the type of quartz that has the least composition of resin in it. Usually, the grades of quartz countertops are differentiated by the resin percentage in each of the materials. First choice quartz had the most stark appearance and it is wonderfully bright and minimal.
The veining on first choice quartz is very vibrant, so much so that it can be mistaken for marble. It also has that beautiful sheen that makes it glimmer when the light hits just right. It is one of the most sought-after grades of quartz and it looks out of this world.
Key features of first choice quartz include:
First choice quartz is the most durable type of quartz when it comes to longevity, scratch and stain resistance, and everything in between. You don’t need to replace these slabs if you’re maintaining them nicely and you’re taking good care of them.
They are expensive, but these slabs will last you a long time and you won’t even think about replacing them, because they will look brand new, even after years have passed. This is mainly because of the low resin composition in the material.
First choice quartz is used everywhere. From kitchens to bathrooms and even vanities. You really can’t go wrong with this material choice and it will leave you speechless with its beauty. Since it can be mistaken for marble, thanks to its striking resemblance, it can be used anywhere you want to use marble. It’s a more durable marble alternative.
As great as first choice quartz is, it doesn’t leave a good impression on your wallet. It is the most expensive grade of quartz. It can cost you anywhere between $90 to $120, which is insane for a countertop material. But it is worth it in the end, because it is going to last virtually forever, so that’s great.
Commercial Grade Quartz
Next comes the commercial grade and this quartz has a resin percentage over 10%. Typically, the resin percentage in commercial grade quartz is anywhere between 9-11%. It is also a beautiful material, but it does lack in brightness than first choice quartz, mainly because of the higher resin content. Resin tends to turn yellow after some time. So, commercial grade quartz can turn a bit light and warm yellow after a couple of years.
Commercial grade quartz, as the name suggests, is used in commercial food businesses, like restaurants and even hotels. If you’re looking for a material that is the best choice between price and quality, then commercial grade quartz is one you want to go for.
Also, commercial grade quartz is sparkly but not quite as much as first choice quartz. But, since it is used in the commercial line of business, the flaws can go undetected and it’s no biggie.
Here are some key features of commercial grade quartz you would want to know.
Commercial-grade quartz is the perfect liaison between getting reasonable quality and not having to pay a lot for it. It is decently durable and since it is something used in the commercial industry, it will last for a good chunk of time given that you only buy it from a trusted quartz countertops dealer Rockville.
Commercial-grade quartz can be used for countertops in homes, but it is mainly used in the restaurant and hotel business and even the service industry. It is one of the most popular choices in this industry. There aren’t a lot of materials that can fit certain criteria for the commercial business, but commercial-grade quartz flawlessly gets everything done, so it’s essentially perfect.
Commercial-grade quartz lies in the middle of the price range. It is not as expensive as the first choice, but it’s not considered rock bottom priced either. Commercial-grade quartz will cost you anywhere between $60 to $90, which is not as bad for a decent countertop material with good durability and appearance.
You can get your money’s worth in this material and it won’t disappoint. It will withstand damage nicely and it will last you a good amount of time.
Second Choice Quartz
Second choice quartz is the least used grade, especially when it comes to using it in the kitchen or even commercially. This grade of quartz contains about 12 to 18% resin and it tends to turn yellow super quick. Another thing that is not so good about second choice quartz is the fact that it is not as strong and it is mostly used as building or sculpting material for students majoring in art or entry-level projects.
Second choice quartz is good for people who have a tight budget and really can’t afford anything other than mediocre quality material. Second choice quartz also lacks in the shine department. It doesn’t have that real quartz luster and it can be quite dull, if anything. The place where second choice quartz is used a lot is in the prefabricated countertop industry. It is used in making pre-made and pre-designed countertops because it is easy to manufacture and even if it does get damaged, it’s available readily and can be used again and again.
However, the quality of these slabs will be worlds apart from the real thing and you need to keep this in mind. But, if you still want a material that will not make your wallet scream, then this one’s for you.
Second choice quartz has the following characteristics:
Second choice quartz is the least durable. Since the majority of the composition includes resin and a bit of the actual quartz building materials themselves, it is one of the most fragile materials. Regardless, they don’t shatter on immediate application of force, but they can stain and scratch, which isn’t the best. So, the second choice quartz does lack a lot in the durability department.
It is mainly used as a basic building material. It can be used in projects that require students to make something out of quartz and it is mainly used in making prefabricated countertop slabs.
These slabs are also pretty cheap because they are already cut out for you, and if the dimensions match, then you can get them for your kitchen. However, they’re not usable anywhere else, because they lack that beautiful and striking appearance.
Second choice quartz is the least expensive grade from the lot. You can get a 1×1 foot slab for anywhere between $40 to $60, which is pretty reasonable considering that it’s quartz. Remember, as the resin percentage goes up, the price will dip down. So, if you’re looking for quartz to fit within your budget, then you need to pay close attention to the resin composition.
Who would’ve thought that quartz has grades? Well, the right grade selection will ensure that you’re investing in the right quality of quartz so you will know what to expect when it comes to durability and longevity. Get more details about these grades of quartz from a quartz countertop installer Potomac.